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Aug 11, 2012

180285 383534301704026 784430693 n This Week on Stimulated Boredom

My Mom with her new Italian boyfriend in Tuscany…one of the 34 different countries she has visited over the course of her life.

Week of: August 13 – August 20, 2012

Actually, it’s my Mama!

This week I am joined by a very special guest…my mother. :)

Over the past 7+ years of the show, many of...

Aug 4, 2012

chick fil a 473x508 This Week on Stimulated Boredom

Week of: August 6 – August 13, 2012

God, Gays…and Chicken? This week I sink my teeth into the meaty controversy surrounding comments made by Chick-fil-A President, Dan Cathy, which re-ignited (yet another) public debate over the topic of gay marriage.

Social media exploded when Cathy told an online...