Jul 14, 2013
Vanessa Gabriel of Girls Gone Geek returns for a four-peat appearance on the show, as we discuss the ins-and-outs of creating your own successful blog, podcast and posting original content.
Having been content creators since 2005 (me) and 2009 (Vanessa), we have gleaned from and learned a lot of lessons about taking our passions and turning them into viable platforms on the Internet.
From choosing a memorable name to building an audience and promoting your content via social media, we discuss the mistakes we’ve made, our successes, failures, helpful tips & tricks and share our collected wisdom for the benefit of those seeking to do the same.
As is always the case with Vanessa’s appearances on the show, this is an entertaining, informative and organic conversation that we hope will help to stimulate your boredom, while providing some insight and advice that people can immediately apply and benefit from.