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Jul 14, 2013

Almost Internet Famous Stimulated Boredom Podcast 417: Almost (Internet) Famous


Vanessa Gabriel of Girls Gone Geek returns for a four-peat appearance on the show, as we discuss the ins-and-outs of creating your own successful blog, podcast and posting original content.


Having been content creators since 2005 (me) and 2009 (Vanessa), we have gleaned from and learned a lot of lessons about...

Jul 13, 2013

Stimulated Boredom Microphone1 1024x706 Update: Stimulated Boredom Gets A Face Lift

Some of you may have noticed a few major changes recently. That’s because I locked myself away for a few days – and have the mason jars full of urine and poor basic hygiene to prove it – redesigning the entire Stimulated Boredom website.

The intent of the redesign was to create more of a “news...