Feb 24, 2012
Week of: Feb 27 – Mar 5, 2012
Recently I attended my very first comic book convention, replete with costume play (“cosplay”), panels and a packed convention floor filled with all kinds of geeky goodies.
Joining me to discuss MegaCon – which was held in Orlando – is Vanessa G from Girls-Gone-Geek.com, who also attended and would never miss the opportunity to discuss my experience as a comic convention virgin!
This week’s show is heavily “geek fueled”, as we talk about the many costumes we saw, our favorite panels and what was discussed, the books we are reading and anything else MegaCon related. :)
You can also check out my write-up on the convention, including many of the pictures that I took during the highlyentertaining show.
It’s always a blast to have Vanessa on the show, and please be sure to check out their awesome website!
As always, enjoy the show!
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