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Aug 11, 2012

180285 383534301704026 784430693 n This Week on Stimulated Boredom

My Mom with her new Italian boyfriend in Tuscany…one of the 34 different countries she has visited over the course of her life.

Week of: August 13 – August 20, 2012

Actually, it’s my Mama!

This week I am joined by a very special guest…my mother. :)

Over the past 7+ years of the show, many of you have heard very personal stories about my life growing up, which was instrumental in the development of my world view, personality, humor and opinions. My wildly entertaining (and equally un-PC) Filipino mother had a lot to do with that.

We discuss her life in Manila, her experience as a teenage foreign exchange student in an American high school, her marriage to my father – including the subsequent divorce – and the effect it had on us and my siblings. We also discuss politics, religion, world history and a TON more! This 4 hour conversation taught me a few things that I never knew about her life and views on certain subjects, while also recounting many funny (and often times, embarrassing) stories. :) We have always been very open about discussing our lives, and this personal conversation between mother and son is just another example of that.

She has lived an extraordinary life and traveled the world many times over, so I thought it would be a good time to get her on the show…especially before the old bitch dies and perhaps give myself a chance to lobby for more shit in her will.

Enjoy the show!